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We Inspire & Innovate to
serve better vulnerable
Our community led approach gives low income Cameroonians a voice in
the quality of their water services, making them active participants in
shaping their development.
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with RDWB
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and we’ll connect with you based on your preferences.
Please note that each participant may attend a
maximum of two workshops per month.
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Research & Development Without Borders

Make your goals to help people

We are a Cameroonian non-profit dedicated to creating sustainable, community-driven solutions for global challenges like water and sanitation. By bridging the gap between research and practical applications, we empower communities to lead change.

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We can make a difference

Our community-led approach gives low-income Cameroonians a voice in the quality of their water.
Let’s support us to help them

Join your hands with us for a better life and future

N° of People Trained
N° of improved water systems
955 +
N° of girls reached with MHH & kits
N° of water quality monitoring
N° of toilets constructed
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